Profile and Formation of the Professional Coach Acting in a CrossFit box in Rio de Janeiro



Md. Carla Christina Ade Caldas  

Salgado de Oliveira University, Physical Activities Science Department.

Md. Fabrício Miranda

Gama e Souza University



CrossFit® is the fastest growing training modality in Brazil, being the second country with the highest number of "boxes" in 2018, with a brand of 1006 units against 7,374 in the United States. Through CrossFit®, the professional entitled "Coach" should preferably have some basic training courses in the modality and other complementary ones. Until now, there is no knowledge on the profile of these professionals and their training face of technical and legal issues in performance. Objective: Survey the professional profile and academic training of the CrossFit® Coach, working in Box in the State of Rio de Janeiro. Materials and methods: An online form was used, containing questions about aspects related to the characteristics of the professionals and their training, to their relationship with the modality. Respond to form 103 Coaches and used the percentage to describe the distribution of the analyzed variables. Results: 80.3% of Coaches are male; 69.6% work 5 hours or more daily and 97% practice the sport, and 48% participate in competitions. 42% have a Bachelor'sBachelor's Degree in Physical Education, 42% have a Full Degree, and 16% are still students or have no training in the area. Even with training, 28.43% do not have a CREF registration. 46.6% have a ""Level 1"" course, 15% ""Level 2"" and 38.4% have no CrossFit® training course. Conclusion: It is necessary for a better technical, academic, and regulated training of Coaches working in Rio de Janeiro, enabling more excellent quality and safety in applying the modality.

KEYWORDS: Triple helix, sport, society, management, development, physical education.



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