A link between transformational leadership, innovation and knowledge sharing


Dr Khalid Abbas

Assistant professor in Management- Liverpool John Moores University



The present status of study on the influence of transformational leadership and knowledge sharing on innovation adoption, particularly in the aviation sector, is defined by a review of the literature. Most corporate and governmental sectors, including aviation, are confronting worldwide problems as a result of fast technological development and growing expectations in a competitive world (Al-Haddad and Kotnour, 2015; Khalili, 2016). In comparison to other industries, the aviation business requires more effective innovation management to be competitive due to its longer industrial chain (Zhu et al., 2012). Because innovation is the foundation and heart of the aviation industry's growth, study on its innovation capability is critical. It is an organisation that plays a prominent position in innovation activities, and the heart of the industrial innovation competency is involved in an inventive process.

However, the aviation sector's innovation competency is significantly reliant on good leadership due to the systematic and complicated nature of the industry's innovation and its industrial features. Leadership style has been identified as the most important factor affecting innovation because leaders can influence the introduction of ideas, set specific goals, and create a culture for innovation. As innovation becomes critical to the survival of organisations and a key factor in achieving competitive advantage, leadership style has been identified as the most important factor affecting innovation (Akay and Demirel, 2017). Leaders may help the innovation process by pushing their followers to go above and beyond the anticipated levels of performance (Sarrors et al. 2008; Akay and Demirel, 2017). Although several leadership styles have been examined in the subject of innovation management, transformational leadership is often considered as the most essential (TL).TL has been found to have a significant impact on innovation, according to Al-Husseini and Elbeltagi (2016), leading to increased goal-directed behaviour on the part of followers, promoting organisational change and a spirit of trust, and assisting followers in exceeding their performance expectations.

Individuals and organisations may use transformational leadership to generate, utilise, refresh, and execute knowledge in order to build the essential competencies for the organization's growth (Akay and Demirel, 2017; Khalili, 2016). Although TL may have a direct impact on innovation, past research suggests that the direct impacts are too complicated to identify (see for example, Akay and Demirel, 2017; Al-Husseini and Elbeltagi, 2016). Many academics have recognised that information sharing is the most important resource for competitive advantage and the key to improving innovation in this line (Khalili, 2016; Watts et al., 2020; Al-Hussein et al., 2019). As can be seen from the preceding discussion, transformational leadership may affect innovation through encouraging knowledge sharing within an organisation.



Leadership styles, Employees’ motivation, idealised influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, individualised consideration, management by exception and contingent rewards



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